Ronnie Haynes had a vision about his calling back in 2001. God gave him the word “refugees”. At first he thought it might mean he was to go into the foreign mission fields.
However, over a decade later, God made it clear what He meant. Many of God’s people are hurting and broken by life (and many by church), and they wander without a spiritual home, unable to be healed and move on. Ministry House is a safe place for these refugees, giving them a chance to build relationships again, (re-)discover their gifts and passions, and enter into service to God and others.
Ronnie got involved with Celebrate Recovery as a participant at other churches before leading it at the church where he and Penny were attending. He was personally touched by the program, and saw the power it offered to change the lives of people with hurts, habits and hang-ups – basically everyone. He was impressed by the emphasis on honesty and transparency in a safe environment, and of course, the dependence upon Jesus Christ as the only Higher Power who can bring true wholeness and healing.
Ronnie once heard someone describe Celebrate Recovery as “church for real people”. It stuck with him, and he decided that any church he would participate in would be a church for real people who didn’t have to pretend that everything was all right. They could admit their struggles, receive support, encouragement, accountability and discipling to overcome their issues. By confessing their sins and issues to God, people receive forgiveness. By confessing their sins and issues to others, they are healed.
So Ministry House was born. It is simply a place for people to come to the Lord in their brokenness and need, build relationships in Christ, be discipled and equipped to do what God is calling them to do, and go out into the world and minister. There is no one preacher or worship leader, but different people move in their gifts and callings. Ministry House is intended to be the home of multiple ministries by different people. It is a house where ministry takes place.

Since that time, Ministry House, through RPM Ministries Inc., has opened Good Shepherd Recovery House for men, a THOR 9 – 12 month regeneration program in Jasper, GA. Penny Haynes has also become a Licensed Pastoral Counselor, offering ministry to women, children and families.