Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Romans 12:4,5


The Body of Christ is a living organism that consists of many members, each having different functions, contributions and expressions to the edification of the whole Body. The Holy Spirit imparts individual gifts and callings to lead each member into a specialized area of ministry. These gifts are not natural talents or human abilities, but are magnifications of the Holy Spirit through the human being.


  • The Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Spiritual gifts are two different things. The first is the holy Spirit Himself, while the second is the the gifts that He imparts to believers.

John 14:16


  1. We need to distinguish spiritual gifts from natural gifts or talents,. Natural gifts are mental abilities which may be hereditary, but spiritual gifts are gifts only given by God through the Holy Spirit. There sole purpose is to serve the members of the Body of Christ.


  • I am a firm believer that every born again believer who has been baptized in the Holy Spirit has a responsibility to function in the body where God has “set” them. Every believer has a different function. But its unfortunate that there is so many who don’t find their place. Each believer is a special instrument of God and God has the intention for each to serve and function that way.

There are some believers that think that the spiritual gifts are optional, or that they are for certain individuals or certain positions in leadership. That’s really not the case the scripture shows us that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are vital for us to be effective in the ministry of the Body of Christ. It’s only through these gifts that we can fulfill the purpose of God and the calling God has on our lives for the world today.

These gifts equip us to “bear much fruit” such as :


  • Face the devil and his demonic hosts
  • Be a conduit for God to perform miracle today
  • Healing
  • Deliverance- etc. etc.
  • Spiritual Gifts are not only important for the ministering in the body of Christ, but some, like the gifts of tongues and interpretation and the gift of exhortation, are like pathways or channels to praise, worship, adoration and exhortation.


  • These gifts are the nine senses of the Body of Christ that protect us from the wiles of the enemy!

We need these gifts so that:

1.We can demonstrate the power of the gospel (1 Cor. 2:4; Acts 8:6: Heb.2:4).

2.We can build the Body of Christ

3.We meet the needs of others.




Spiritual Gifts Are:

4.Divine enablement’s in the life of the believer. They will enable us to serve better and more effectively.

5.Like instruments and tools, used to build the body of Christ

6.They build up and edify believers (1 Cor. 14; 3-5,12,26).

7.They establish the believer in the body of Christ (Rom. 1:11-12).

8.They profit us as we serve Him (1 Cor. 12:7).

9.They are our Spiritual credentials (Mark 16:17-20).


Why We Should Discover Our Spiritual Gifts:


It’s very crucially important that we discover and function in our Spiritual gifts.


A). It will help you to discover what God’s purpose is for your life. For God will only equip you to do what He has called you to do. In other words, God will never ask you to do what He has not equipped you for.


B). When you know your gifts, you will begin to understand how the Holy Spirit operates through you. The gifts of the Holy Spirit in your life are the channels through which He ministers to others. Knowing your gifts will also help you to know how not to quench the Holy Spirit, but freely allow Him to manifest Himself through you. (Example channels on the T.V.) He will dial you into the right ones….


  • When you know what your spiritual gift is, you will understand what your ministry is, and what your ministry is not………. Many people are trying to serve God in there own abilities and in the wrong field because they don’t know what their giftings are…


  • When you know what your giftings are. You will experience an inner spiritual fulfillment. You begin to serve with a confidence and assurance.


E). When you understand what they are you will know what you have to offer to serve in the Body of Christ. It will help you be more sensitive to others.











How to Use the Gifts:

As we learn that the gifts we have seen are supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit. He does not use us like puppets. He has given us principles and order in the written Word that have to be followed. When we do not practice or follow the lead of these order chaos and confusion arise….

This is one reason we have some individuals who have misused these gifts and ended up hurting themselves and the Body of Christ.(church)

I want to emphasize that, except for tongues (Note: I didn’t say the gift of tongues) which are meant for self-edification, the gifts are meant to be used for the benefit of the whole Body…..


Proper Use of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.


  1. The Gifts must always operate in love, not strife or selfishness. Love is one of the fruit of the Spirit that is very important. Love will check out our motives and kill our pride and selfishness.
  2. Use them to edify the Body, not to destroy or condemn (Romans 8:1)
  3. Your manners and mannerism count too! It’s always important how you represent Christ. Your manner or mannerism will either hinder or draw people to what you have. We need to be a good representative for Jesus.

Note: Don’t ever let your emotions rule or over power your ministry. Remember our God is a God of decency, order and discipline. Its always sad when someone has a true word from the Lord and by the way it is presented it is rejected by the people because of the way it is presented.

  1. Your freedom in the Spirit is not a license to monopolize the meeting or cause unnecessary interruptions. Allow all to particulate and function. Function in God’s timing and God’s way (1 Cor. 14:26-33)
  2. Do not neglect or abuse the gifts.
  3. its important to exercise your gift. Why do you think it is? (Romans 12:6 1 Peter 4:10-11)


How to Receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

  1. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ

First and foremost “you must be born again” (John 3:3) excepting the Lord Jesus as you Lord and Savior is the only way to walk in the super natural Gifts from God.

  1. Believe and receive the promises from God the Father. Acts 2:38,39 Peter replied….
  2. Be informed about them and know how they operate (1 Cor:12 Romans 12: Eph. 4
  3. Be open and DO NOT criticize or judge the gifts if you don;t understand them at this time in your walk with God.
  4. Be available and willing to be used by the Holy Spirit.
  5. Don’t be afraid to try.

Note: There is nothing wrong with experimenting with different gifts until you find what gift is yours. This might mean making a few mistakes, but dont let that discourage you.

  1. Learn to follow and Listen to your inner Spirit.

This is something that all believers learn to hear and trust and this is NOT a gut feeling.


  1. Always check for the fruit to follow.

You will begin to experience positive results as you mature and grow in you Spiritual Gifts. Also, others will begin to recognize and confirm your gifts and callings as you grow and function in your gifts.


Categories of Spiritual Gifts and Ministries


  1. Gifts of Administration (or gifts of functions so to speak)

Romans 12:6-8

  1. Five fold Ministry or the ministry gifts

Ephesians 4:10-11

  1. Gifts of the Holy Spirit

1 Cor. 12: 1.4,7-11



These  Gifts of the Holy Spirit can be divided into three categories:

  1. Revelation Gifts
  • Word of Wisdom
  • Word of Knowledge
  • Discerning of Spirits
  1. Utterance Gifts
  • Speaking in Tongues
  • Interpretation of tongues
  • Prophesy


  1. Power Gifts
  • Faith
  • Healing
  • Miracles


Main Scripture:

1 Cor. 12: 28-31

Ephesians 4:16



  • Each believer should have at least one gift of the Holy Spirit expressed through us to edify the Body 1 Cor, 12:7
  • We are responsible in every way to find out what gifts are given to us (1Cor. 12: 1-6, 1 Peter 4:10)
  • When we know what gifts are, then we should put them into use and not hide them (1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6)
  • It is not a sin to desire the gift (1 Cor. 12:31)