Something’s Missing

Something missing

Do you ever feel like there is something missing in your life?

What would you change in your life if you had the chance too?

Read Mark 10:17-27

  1. What shall I do to inherit (klay-ron-om-eh-o) eternal life?  Matthew says obtain

The young man wanted his part of what he thought eternal life was … the greek word means to parcel out a portion of and become an heir, to an inheritance or a possessor….

His goal was more on the obtaining than the purpose! When we seek things out of our own desires we can never fill the void in our life….

  1. Although this man was young (Matthew called him young man) , so we can assume here that he had his health and in Luke’s account called him a ruler which meant that he was wealthy…. But even in this the young man was missing something.

His plans were even for the future to possess even more so that he might fill complete.

You see sometimes our love and desire for more (material thing) can be the most dangerous things in our lives…. Proverbs 10:2020 The tongue of the righteous is as choice silver,
The heart of the wicked is worth little.

Although the old saying money can’t buy love but most are thinking and saying” but sure can help”-But are we really taking that to heart…. We have all been there at some point in our lives right…. God aren’t worried about where you been but where you are going!

The saying  is that “the heart wants what the heart wants”!

Ephesians 4:8 says They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts.

We judge everyone around us and even those we don’t know by the outward appearance, the way other look and walk and talk and even when we are looking in the mirror ourselves we tend to look at what we think will please us and make us whole…..

1 Corinthians 4:5 So be careful not to jump to conclusions before the Lord returns as to whether someone is a good servant or not. When the Lord comes, he will turn on the light so that everyone can see exactly what each one of us is really like, deep down in our hearts. Then everyone will know why we have been doing the Lord’s work. At that time God will give to each one whatever praise is coming to him.

1 Corinthians 13:12 In the same way, we can see and understand only a little about God now, as if we were peering at his reflection in a poor mirror; but someday we are going to see him in his completeness, face-to-face. Now all that I know is hazy and blurred, but then I will see everything clearly, just as clearly as God sees into my heart right now.

  • Fact of the matter is that until we are filled with the presence of a almighty God in our hearts and have a personal relationship with Jesus we will always be looking for something to fill us up in that empty space like the rich young ruler!
  1. Jesus although He pointed out to the young man in no certain term that this young man really didn’t know Jesus by saying “ why do you say I am good” skipped right over the first 5 and the last commandments because He already knew what was keeping the young man from the truth of what it took to receive (obtain) or inherit eternal life!

God already know the intent of our heart of man….

The young man at this point when Jesus quoted the commandments response was that of foolish pride and self righteousness  and that He had done all these things even from his youth….

Self-righteousness – I have done!!!

He came to Jesus on his works and own good deeds and the voice of reasoning was so strong that he had begin to believe the lie that he had fulfilled what it took to inherit eternal life…

Sound familiar ? Isiah 14: 1212 How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!13 You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”
15 But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit.

  • But even when we are deceived and have reasoned in our Own minds Jesus still has compassion! Look at vrs 21….. Jesus still loves us even when we have wrong motives like this young man….

Gods love is that of always giving not receiving….

  • But look at vrs 23 and how Jesus says it about how hard it can be and almost impossible to enter into the kingdom of God and receive eternal life. Especially when our hearts are not in that of giving…

1 Corinthians 2:9 says But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

You say well how do I change? How do people change? God changes people, Gods word changes there mind!

Whatever it is today that is out of line and placing God above all else you need to allow God to change you….

If Jesus was to pass by today and you were in the place as this young man, what commandment might He skip for you? What would you be lacking?

Love is always the key to the kingdom!!! But there is the fact that we have to be obedient to what righteousness truly is!

Someone said to me the other day well I always put my children first …. I said well then you need to rethink that because when you put your children before God your putting your children at risk!!

Same with your spouse! Your Job! Your pleasure…. Your money! There is a reason Jesus stated to Love the Lord thy God with ALL your heart, soul, …. He has to be first!! Period! Dertrich Bonhoff said Marriage is not made by love, love is made by marriage!!!

2 Corinthians 9:7

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.