Sermons from 2016 (Page 3)

Love, Faith and Surrender

Pastor James Nichols, the Father In The Lord of our house, and the mentor who trained Ronnie and Penny in ministry, came to speak at our Baptism / Cookout Sunday. A great message, followed by a time of prayer and prophesy (it is included in the audio) as James and Glenda prayed over everyone who…

Old Testament – Genesis 4

We forgot to record the audio today! Oops! Genesis 4 Outside of the garden, out of the continual presence of the Lord, without Him beside them providing for them, answering their questions, making his thoughts known to them, they are on their own. They have to plant and grow their own crops, and they keep…

Old Testament – Genesis 2

v. 5 – no one to work the ground v.6 – streams of water came up to water the ground (NO RAIN – Gen 6) v. 9 – all kinds of trees, including tree of life and tree of knowledge of good and evil (avoid) ******** God provided everything Adam and Eve needed. He walked…

Old Testament – Genesis 1

Genesis 1 – 2:3 – The Creation Video – God creates time (beginning), space (heavens) and matter (earth) in the very first verse. Scientists confirmed in the 20th Century that the universe is defined by time, space and matter. Why is the Creation story important to Christians? Every New Testament author quotes or alludes to Genesis.…